(For some reason I think blogger.com is cutting off the sides of youtube videos, however if you either click the video title, double click the video or right click and select watch in youtube you should be able to watch the video without the edges cut off.)
This is probably one of the coolest daily commutes in the world.
Again for these videos since the sound would just be wind rushing past a tiny microphone I just muted it and put some music with them.
First is up the gondola to the top of the mountain. I took the video during the day on one of my days off as I’m usually too unprepared and have to tie up my boots on the way up the gondola most days, where it gets really foggy is actually passing over a course we’ve named “hidden valley” and yes it’s because it’s almost always in a cloud.
Second is snowboarding down to my hut where I work, I took it pretty slow that day since I’d only been snowboarding for about two weeks.
Third is the ski lift from my hut back up to the top of the mountain and although it can get pretty cold when its snowing and windy, when it’s a clear day the view is really nice, hence my lift being called View 2.
Finally is the run all the way from the top of the mountain to the bottom. Again I took this video on my day off as it was a really nice day and you can see the scenery, but it’s definitely a pretty good feeling when at the end of the day you set off home with about twenty colleagues all on snowboards and skis and just zoom down the mountain, passing the slow customers who are still making their way down, I’ll try to get a video of that at some point too and hopefully it won’t be as bumpy as it was when I took this video.