Monday, 6 July 2009

Tokyo Tower

Tokyo Tower is currently the world’s tallest self supporting steel structure, beating out the Eiffel Tower by 9 metres, and is still used for broadcasting terrestrial radio and television (a new tower is to be completed in 2011 to broadcast digital signals). Like most other large structures in Japan it covers all the essentials such as having a Family Mart newsagent/supermarket, a 400 person capacity restaurant, McDonald’s and wax museum (yes really, it’s next to the optical illusion gallery). This isn’t actually that strange for Japan as even train stations have upper class supermarkets and clothing shops where people will quite happily queue for ages just to get inside. There are plenty of pictures of the actual tower on Wikipedia et al. but they don’t show you the amazing lift they have in the tower, and more specifically the ceiling. I only got these two photos as I was too busy staring at the ceiling itself which changes through five or six colours , but yes it is basically a disco ceiling in a lift.

liftpink liftorange

Equally as useful as the disco ceiling was the Braille plaque indicating what a lovely view you can’t see. I don’t think the Braille corresponds to this picture since they are a little mixed up. Also I can’t read Braille in Japanese.

Braillesign IMG_1132

Also just in case the tower wasn’t a big enough attraction there was a guy just outside with a performing monkey!

IMG_1170 IMG_1174


It’s currently a cool 27 degrees here in my room at the moment and still humid although I don’t think this year’s rainy season has been particularly severe, it only seems to be torrential rain every few days which is kind of disappointing. It’s also the start of the exam period, although I get off quite light it seems with only three days of exams, one of which was last Friday. It was basically a speech competition between two of the classes. My chosen topic was tanuki or Japanese raccoon dog, an animal which features heavily in Japanese folklore for its shape-shifting abilities. I’m pleased to announce that I managed to win third prize for what was essentially a speech (including a song!) about testicles. I think you guess which part of the tanuki’s anatomy it uses for shape-shifting? Anyway more exams next week, kanji and listening so I’m spending my time diligently updating my blog.